What is Physiotherapy and what role does it play in the health-care system? How important is its services for the health-care system?
Physiotherapy also known as Physical Therapy is a critical component of the healthcare system and one of the allied health professions. It seeks to provide, maintain or restore health through physical examination. Physiotherapy is a treatment that restores, maintain, and optimizes patient’s mobility, functionality, and well being. This it does through physical rehabilitation, injury prevention, and healthy and fitness therapy.
Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and functionality when someone is affected by injury, illness, or disability and also reduces the risk of injury or illness in the future. It adopts a holistic approach that involves the patients directly in their own care.
The overall objective of Physiotherapy is to eliminate or reduce pain, improve overall strength and coordination of the patients, reduce dependency or medicine and make you fit and functional for all ages.
When do you need a physiotherapist and how often?
How can your life be impacted positively by a physiotherapist? How can a physiotherapist add value to your life and help you live a healthy and robust life.
Keyna Health Show has some experts in these field to give all the information you need to benefit from the services of physiotherapist.
Join us on Sunday September 25, 2022 by 2.00 PM CST and 8.00 PM Nigerian Time
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