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Health Benefits Of African Pear Or Bush Pear

African pear is a delicious seasonal fruit delight that is enjoyed between April – September. The fruit is popular in African countries. It is known as Ube (Nigeria), Safou (Cameroun), Atanga (Equatorial Guinea and Gabon), African plum, Butternut...

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What is an Allergy? An allergy is the immune system’s abnormal reaction to foreign substances that do not normally cause reactions in other people. • Substances that cause these reactions are known as allergens. Why Should we Address...

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Quiz Competition As Part Of The Colorectal Cancer Campaign

As part of its all the year round campaign in creating awareness on the dangers of colorectal cancer as well as taking preventive measures, David Omenukor Foundation organized a quiz competition among secondary schools in the three local...

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Breast cancer risk factors

Certain risk factors can increase your chances of developing breast cancer. Some risk factors can’t be changed; others may be reduced or even eliminated based on your lifestyle choices. * *The most significant breast cancer risk factors...

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